Monday, 29 September 2008

Free 'Powered By Ubuntu' Stickers

Powered By Ubuntu

Now how cool would that look stuck on your brand new laptop, or your mates Windows Vista computer (haha)?

To get your free stickers, visit the following site:

And please do send me pictures of you using your stickers!
- Mine are being sent as we speak (type?)

The Official Ubuntu E-Book

Ubuntu E-Book

Read It Here Or Download It Here

"Ubuntu is a complete, free operating system that emphasizes community, support, and ease of use while refusing to compromise on speed, power, and flexibility. It's Linux for human beings--designed for everyone from computer novices to experts. Ubuntu is the most in-demand Linux distribution, and this official guide will get you up and running quickly.

Learn how to seamlessly install and customize Ubuntu for your home or small businesses. Its open source power can be used in schools, government, or by corporations, and is suitable for both desktop and server use. The Ubuntu community is built on the premise that software should be available free of charge, and that people should have the freedom to customize and alter their software in whatever way they see fit.

Written by leading Ubuntu community members, this is the only book that you need to become a savvy Ubuntu user."

Sunday, 28 September 2008

Icon Sets For Ubuntu

EDIT: I had an email telling me I had forgot the download links. Sorry! They have now been added!

Fed up of the default Icon sets that come pre-installed on Ubuntu, or do you need a new icon set to fit in with your new theme you have been working on? Well here are some great Icon sets that I have came across whilst browsing the internet over the last few days.

All are free to download! So what are you waiting for?

Somatic Icon Set
Download Here

Area o.42
Area 0.42 Ion Set
Download Here

Snowish Icon Set
Download Here

As soon as I find more Icon Sets, I'll add to this post.
Ofcourse, if you have found any good icons, tell me about it, and I will happily add them to this post.

Saturday, 27 September 2008

Ubuntu Brainstorm Idea #792

I've been having a good look around on Ubuntu Brainstorm over the last few days. There are some fantastic ideas there, and some.. not so good. If you think you have a good idea for the next release of Ubuntu, wether it's an appearance issue, or a software issue, then create an account, and let your voice be heard!

Many of the best ideas have already been implimented - so they do take action on what we say! A very good one that I came across was the following:

Would be great if we could help get a few more votes for this one, and hopefully in the next release of Ubuntu, we will see this feature.

Voice And Video Support In Pidgin

Now wouldn't that be a cool thing to have in Pidgin?
For me, that is the only thing that lets Pidgin down.

Well, some good news! They are in the process of developing pidgin to support both video and voice. - The bad news is that it isn't going to be done any time soon.

Friday, 26 September 2008

Ubuntu Search Engine
Handy little search engine specific to Ubuntu Linux :)
I wouldn't say it’s amazing, Google is still God, but it’s not too bad if you’re searching for something simple.

Convert .RPM files to .DEB

Many Linux distributions use .RPM files, like Red Hat and Fedora; And I have come across many programs that don't come in .DEB, but do come in .RPM.

There is a great program to convert RPM's into DEB's, Alien.

To install Alien:
sudo apt-get install alien

Once installed, you can convert the RPM file like:
sudo alien -k FileName.rpm

To then install the DEB file, you can either double click on it or run the command:
sudo dpkg -i FileName.deb

Or another way to convert and then install straight after, you can run the following command:
sudo alien -i FileName.rpm

Easy Huh?

Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Disable IPv6

Disabling IPv6 can speed up your internet connection (As long as you’re not using IPv6!).
To disable it, you will need to edit the following file: /etc/modprobe.d/aliases
sudo vim /etc/modprobe.d/aliases

And find the 'alias net-pf-10 ipv6' line, and repleace it with the following:
alias net-pf-10 off ipv6

Next step is to reboot, and see if your internet connection id any faster.
To check to see if IPv6 is running, run the following command:
ip a | grep inet6

Monday, 22 September 2008

How To Find Out What Version Of Ubuntu Linux You Are Using

There may be times where you need to find out what version on Ubuntu you, or a customer are using. The following commands can be a big help to an network Admin, or to help customers, and will work both on a Desktop or a Server system.

There are a number of ways in which to find out what version you are running:

cat /etc/issue

The file /etc/issue holds the version number of the Ubuntu that is installed on your system

cat /etc/lsb-release

The above file holds the version number, and some other basic information about the version of Ubuntu that you are running.

Empty The Trash Can Via Command Line

By default, when you delete a file or folder, it gets placed in our trash can. You can easily empty the trash by right clicking on it, and choosing the 'Empty' option. You can also easily empty the trash can via the command line. This may also be your only way if you are running Ubuntu on a server!

rm -rf ~/.Trash/*

- Just be careful when running the rm -rf command!

Saturday, 20 September 2008

Frets On Fire - Guitar Heroes Clone For Linux

I've seen a lot of Guitar Heroes clones that you can play online, and for Windows, but to be honest, most of them suck. Frets On Fire however, is an amazing game! It’s available on Linux, Mac and Windows, and (For Linux) is just as easy as downloading, and executing the main Shell script to get it running.

To Install:
Install the full package from

Extract the files, and run the main Shell script to run!
- Its as simple as that. Perfect to store on your USB stick.

I had a few problems when first running this game. I found out that if you disable your Compiz before running, it resolves the problems.

Friday, 19 September 2008

Ubuntu 9.04 - Jaunty Jackalope

Ubuntu 9.04, estimated to ship in early April next year, has been given the code name - Jaunty Jackalope. Mark Shuttleworth says that Ubuntu is now ready to compete against the popular Windows and Mac operating systems. He expects to see Ubuntu being shipped on millions of devices in the upcoming year.

This new distribution will be mainly focusing on the boot time, and the overall performance of the operating system. The development team are also planning on bringing better web interrogation to the desktop.

"There are some specific goals that we need to meet in Jaunty. One of them is boot time. We want Ubuntu to boot as fast as possible—both in the standard case, and especially when it is being tailored to a specific device"

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Commands To Stay Away From

So if you are new to Linux, and you have a problem, chances are that someone else has had the same problem as you on the internet, and has posted a set of commands on how they resolved it.

However, there are a few idiots out there who will post commands that may be very harmful to your computer. The following commands should not be used.. ever! If you are stupid enough to use one of these commands, then it is your fault.. not mine :)

rm -rf / - This will remove everything, starting at your root directory.
rm -rf . - This will remove everything within the current directory.
rm -rf * - This will remove everything within the current directory.

any_command > /dev/sda
dd if=something of=/dev/sda
- Both of these will cause raw data to be written to a device, and can cause total data loss. Defiantly stay away from this command!

:(){ :|:& };: - Causes your system to crash instantly.

You have been warned!


Funny name and an amazing must have program!
Conky is a system Desktop Monitor, and with a tiny bit of tweaking, you can get it to display anything that you want it to.

Many people have made their own scripts that you can download online. I have seen scripts that display the weather, new mail in your GoogleMail account, what song is play on your media player etc.

At the moment, I have two Conky's running on my desktop:

To change how your Conky looks, just edit the .conkyrc file within your main directory.

Scripts for the one in the top left:


# .conkyrc
# By JAM -

update_interval 1.0

double_buffer yes
own_window yes
own_window_hints undecorated,below,skip_taskbar

use_xft yes
xftfont Bitstream Vera Sans:size=8

background yes
own_window_transparent yes
minmum_width 250
default_color white
alignment top_left
gap_x 15
gap_y 15

uppercase no


${color #ff0000}Name PID CPU% MEM%
${color #ffffff} ${top name 1} ${top pid 1} ${top cpu 1} ${top mem 1}
${color #ffffff} ${top name 2} ${top pid 2} ${top cpu 2} ${top mem 2}
${color #ffffff} ${top name 3} ${top pid 3} ${top cpu 3} ${top mem 3}
${color #ff0000}Mem usage
${color #ffffff} ${top_mem name 1} ${top_mem pid 1} ${top_mem cpu 1} ${top_mem mem 1}
${color #ffffff} ${top_mem name 2} ${top_mem pid 2} ${top_mem cpu 2} ${top_mem mem 2}
${color #ffffff} ${top_mem name 3} ${top_mem pid 3} ${top_mem cpu 3} ${top_mem mem 3}

${color #ff0000}Local Weather:
${color #aaaaaa}${execi 1800 /home/jam/}

# Grab weather data from and format it according to the given XSLT
# Script written by boojit
# Modified by Hellf[i]re
# The original script and xslt can be downloaded from

# Usage:
# ${execi 1800 /path/to/weather/ location}
# Usage Example:
# ${execi 1800 /home/user/weather/ 03833}

# your Location ID: use[yourcity] to find it
# U.S. users can just use their zip code; doubt that works for anyone else though (YMMV)

# s=standard units, m=metric units

# where this script and the XSLT lives

# there's probably other stuff besides CURL that will work for this, but i haven't
# tried any others.
# you can get curl at

# get it at

# you probably don't need to modify anything below this point....

# CURL url. Use cc=* for current forecast or dayf=10 to get a multi-day forecast

# The XSLT to use when translating the response from
# You can modify this xslt to your liking

#filter (if you want to convert stuff to lower-case or upper case or something)
#FILTER="|gawk '{print(tolower(\$0));}'"

eval "$CURLCMD \"$CURLURL\" 2>/dev/null| $XSLTCMD $XSLT - $FILTER"


Script for the one in the bottom right:
# .conkyrc
# By JAM -

update_interval 1.0

double_buffer yes
own_window yes
own_window_hints undecorated,below,skip_taskbar

use_xft yes
xftfont Bitstream Vera Sans:size=8

background yes
own_window_transparent yes
minmum_width 250
default_color white
alignment bottom_right
gap_x 15
gap_y 0

uppercase no

$nodename - $kernel

${color lightgrey}Uptime:$color $uptime $alignr${color lightgrey}Load:$color $loadavg
${color lightgrey}CPU: $color ${freq} Mhz $alignr${color lightgrey} Usage:$color $cpu%

${color lightgrey}Processor temperature: $color${acpitemp}°C

${color lightgrey}Battery: $color ${battery}

${color lightgrey}RAM usage:$color $mem/$memmax - $memperc%

${color grey}Disk usage: $color${fs_free /} of ${fs_size /}
${fs_bar 6 /}

${color #ffcb48}Wi-Fi ${hr 1}
${color lightgrey}Wireless signal: $color${wireless_link_qual ath0}%
${color lightgrey}IP address: $color${addr ath0}
${color lightgrey}Download speed: $color${downspeedf wifi0} Kb/sec
${downspeedgraph wifi0}
${color red}Downloaded: $color${totaldown wifi0} $alignr ${color green}Uploaded: $color${totalup wifi0}

${color #ffcb48}Ethernet ${hr 1}
${color lightgrey}IP address: $alignr$color${addr eth0}

Friday, 12 September 2008

Sexy Ubuntu Wallpapers

As if Ubuntu wasn't sexy enough, this article will show you the sexiest wallpapers that I have found for Ubuntu. Please feel free to download them, and use :)

Sexy Wallpaper 1

Sexy Wallpaper 2

Sexy Wallpaper 3

Sexy Wallpaper 4

Sexy Wallpaper 5

I have not created any of these wallpapers; I've just collected them from the net. All credit goes to the authors of these images.

Thursday, 11 September 2008

How To Change Your MAC Address

This is just a quick and simple tutorial to show you how to change your MAC address, for what ever reason you may have, in Ubuntu.

So to change your MAC address, you need to edit the /etc/network/interfaces files:
sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces

The file should look a little something like this:
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

And you will need to change it to something like:
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
hwaddress ether 01:02:03:0A:0B:0C

Ofcourse,you will need to change the MAC address to suit your network.
to make the changes take effect, reboot the networking service:
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

Wednesday, 10 September 2008

GIMP Addons & Hacks

This is a modification of the GIMP software package,to give GIMP the look and feel of the Adobe Photoshop package. As the GIMP-Shop's interface replicates Photoshop, many of the tutorials that are written for Photoshop can be used on GIMP-Shop!

So, how to install?
Download the .DEB file from Here.
Once it has downloaded, use the following command to install:
sudo dpkg -i gimpshop_2.2.11-1_i386.deb

Now GIMP will be ready to use. When you first start GIMP up after the GIMP-Shop installation, you will be prompted with a new window, and follow the simple instructions to begin :)

Run GIMP In One Window[Thanks to for this]
sudo apt-get install xnest xfwm4

Then run this command to try it out:
Xnest :1 -ac -name GIMP -geometry 1024x690 & xfwm4 --display :1 & gimp --display :1

So Here's how to make a shortcut for it:

1: Paste the following into a new file:
Xnest :1 -ac -name GIMP -geometry 1024×690 & xfwm4 –display :1 & gimp –display :1

2: Save it as /usr/bin/gimp1window
3: run
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/gimp1window
on the file
4: Edit the shortcut for GIMP to gimp1window

If you have any other GIMP hacks or addons, please leave them in a comment, and I'll gladly add them :)

Saturday, 6 September 2008

Watch Live TV On Ubuntu

Zattoo have developed a great application that allows you to watch live TV on your computer or laptop. All you need to run this application is broadband internet, and of course, Linux. This is 100% free & legal!

To Read more on Zattoo, and to download, please visit this link: Download Zattoo

Edit (31 Dec 09):
For a while now, Zattoo have said they have had problems with their Linux version, and have taken Linux of from their supported Operating Systems. A message used to be there saying they are doing all they can to fix the Linux version.

After checking back today, it seems that they were unable to fix any problems they had, and no longer are trying to sort it out. they have completely removed Linux from their downloads page now. Taking a look in their FAQ section, and I only came across this: "Zattoo does not support Linux platforms anymore."

Let's hope sometime in the future they will have a working Linux version up and running again.

Friday, 5 September 2008

Easy Way To Set Up Your Own Web Server

So, first things first, why would you want a web server?
I use mine to test out new things that I come up with Have you ever tried to view a PHP file? All you get is the code. If your making a new website, its a bit annoying uploading it to the online web server, viewing it, making more changes... re-uploading it again.. and so on.

So, there are many tutorials on the internet that explain how to set up Apache, MYSQL, PHP, Perl & a FTP server. I remember trying to get it up and running on my laptop. Although I got it working fine, I still thought it was a bit of an arse ache. - and if I were really new to Linux,I wouldn't have a clue to what I was doing

This is a great piece of software that you should use if you want web server up and running. XAMPP comes with Apache, MYSQL, PHP, & Perl.

You can get XAMPP for the following Operating systems:

Comes with: Apache, MySQL, PHP + PEAR, Perl, mod_php, mod_perl, mod_ssl, OpenSSL, phpMyAdmin, Webalizer, Mercury Mail Transport System for Win32 and NetWare Systems v3.32, Ming, JpGraph, FileZilla FTP Server, mcrypt, eAccelerator, SQLite, and WEB-DAV + mod_auth_mysql.

Comes with: Apache, MySQL, PHP & PEAR, Perl, ProFTPD, phpMyAdmin, OpenSSL, GD, Freetype2, libjpeg, libpng, gdbm, zlib, expat, Sablotron, libxml, Ming, Webalizer, pdf class, ncurses, mod_perl, FreeTDS, gettext, mcrypt, mhash, eAccelerator, SQLite and IMAP C-Client.

Mac OS X

Comes with: Apache, MySQL, PHP & PEAR, SQLite, Perl, ProFTPD, phpMyAdmin, OpenSSL, GD, Freetype2, libjpeg, libpng, zlib, Ming, Webalizer, mod_perl, eAccelerator, phpSQLiteAdmin.

Comes with: Apache, MySQL, PHP & PEAR, Perl, ProFTPD, phpMyAdmin, OpenSSL, Freetype2, libjpeg, libpng, zlib, expat, Ming, Webalizer, pdf class.

So why download and use XAMPP?
A few reasons, firstly its free of charge - Always a good thing.
The second, anyone can download, install and use it, its that easy.

For Windows & Linux, you can download it as a portable application, which means you can have it running on your USB stick, or from a folder on your C:\. (or /opt for Linux)

For Windows, I belive you can just double click on the main .EXE file to run. on Linux,
sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start

Once you have it up and running, go to: http://localhost/ and you will see the default website. Upload your own files to the default location, and you will see your website there

Note! : This method should 100% NOT be used to have a live website running from your home PC. XAMPP is designed for ease of use for your own testing purposes only! On a default install, there is no root password for MYSQL, the MYSQL database is accessible via the network & PHPmyAdmin has no password.

To view your website from outside of your network, you will need to divert all traffic on the port 80 to your PC / Laptop which has XAMPP running. To access the website from outside of your network, you will need the IP Address, or to set up a dynamic DNS. (I might write a tutorial on how to do this later on).

I wouldn't really recommend this though, as for the reasons mentioned above


Own Your Own Domain Suffix

I want my own personal website, like a lot of people do.... so I check the whois database, but had already been taken, as was .net, and - bummer.

More then likely, any domain name you want, has already been taken, as Over 20 million '.com' domain names have been registered!

Q: So, with all the best domain names taken up, what are you supposed to do?
A: Wait until May, 2009.

Why? Because come April / May 2009, The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) have recently approved this proposal allowing you to buy domain suffixes! Great News!

When I say allowing 'You', you have to own a company to be able to buy one. Who knows though, if it proves to be popular and successful, it may become open to the average person to buy one.

Hmm, I'll have the .Jam suffix - Iam.Jam

... Hmm.. may get a bit confusing.

Oh, one last thing I should mention.. the average price for a top level domain, (the suffix) is anywhere between $50,000 - $100,00 (USD). .Google, .Microsoft of course are going to be a high amount more.

FireFox about:config Hacks

Select all of the URL in the address bar with one click:
Find browser.urlbar.clickSelectsAll, right click, and chose toggle.

Firefox has this little built in feature that downloads pages from links that it thinks you may click on (eg. the top result on Google). This ofcourse means you use up a lot more bandwidth, and CPU power. To stop this, set network.prefetch-next to false.

To turn of chrome tooltips, you need to change to false

This next tweak is great for speeding up FireFox for broadband users.
find and change network.http.pipelining to true.
find and change network.http.proxy.pipelining to true
Change network.http.pipelining.maxrequests to 8.
Now instead of making one request each time, it will make 8. (this means pages are loading a lot faster!) Now a lot of places on the internet will tell you to set it to 30. Don't do that :) Firefox will normally only let you make 8 requests at a time, and even if you could make 30 requests, most servers wouldn't allow it, and result in your IP address being blocked.

To finish it off, right click, and make a new Integer. Name this nglayout.initialpaint.delay,and give it the value of 0. This tells the browser to wait 0 seconds before receiving information. Again, this speeds up the rate at which it loads pages.

If you have any more tweaks that you know of, please leave them in a comment, and I'll gladly add them to my list.

Thursday, 4 September 2008

Is Ubuntu The Best Distribution For You?

Thinking of trying out Linux?
Is Ubuntu the right Linux for you?
Well as you may /may not know, there are many different distributions of Linux. So how do you know which one is right for you?

This site below asks you a number of simple questions, and from the results, it lists all the versions of Linux that are most suitable for you.

Decrease Boot Time

When you first install Ubuntu, the boot time is great! However, after months and months of installing and removing programs, it can start to lag. Following the steps below will help to reduce your boot time by quite a few seconds!

Before you start, I must say I've only tested these steps in Ubuntu Gusty Gibbon. As always, use caution when issuing any commands with root privileges.

Okay, so to start of, install a cool little application called BootChart.
This will monitor everything that happens when booting your computer up.
It puts everything into a chart for you, so you can see what is taking
the most time to start.

Install BootChart
sudo apt-get install bootchart
Next you ill have to reboot your computer.
Once rebooted, and you are logged in, navigate yourself to: /var/log/bootchart, and in here will be a png image describing how long each process took to boot up.

Ubuntu Hack
Open up the file: /etc/init.d/rc in your favourite text editor.
Change the above line to the below line.
Install a Boot Process Adjustment Tool:

sudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf

Then run the application using:
sudo sysv-rc-conf
(To turn a device of, un-tick all the tick boxes within that row)

What to turn off:
Since I do not use any bluetooth tools, I turned this of.
If you use any bluetooth tools on a regular basis, I'd keep this on.

This is used to clean the DNS information when using a Dial-Up connection.
As I do not use Dial-Up, I turned this of. If you are using Dial-Up... Keep it on!

This is a mail receiving daemon. As I only use Hotmail, I turned this off.
HP printing and Image subsystem. As I do not have any printers ever connected to my
laptop,I turned this off.

If you do not use any RAID devices, there is no need for this tool to be turned on.

A RAID management tool. Again, I do not use any RAID devices, so I turned this off.

Both of these are useless to me, as I do not use Dial-Up.

Once finished turning of the un-necessary processes, reboot your computer. Once rebooted, take a look at your bootchart which you installed earlier on. Notice the time difference?

If you have any other ways on how to make Ubuntu boot faster, please do share.

Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Increase Your Battery Life

As my laptop is getting kinda old now, the battery isn't as good as it used to be. I came across this handy little application by Intel called PowerTop. Its surprising how much you can extend your battery life with this.

To install:
sudo apt-get install powertop
To Run:
sudo powertop
PowerTop will scan your laptop for 5 seconds, and then report back with the hardware or software that has the biggest drain on your battery life. PowerTop will then provide you with a simple shortcut key to fix the problem. (If you want to make the changes permanent, you will have to edit the right config files. It will explain how to do this at the bottom of the screen!)

Gnome Useful Keyboard Shutcuts

Alt+F1 : Open The Applications Menu
Alt+F2 : Run The Application Dialog
Alt+F9 : Minimize The Active Window
Alt+Tab : Rotate Current Window Focus
Ctrl+Alt+Left Arrow : Move The Virtual Desktop To The Left
Ctrl+Alt+Right Arrow : Move The Virtual Desktop To The Right
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Left Arrow : Move The Current Application To The Left
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Right Arrow : Move The Current Application To The Right
Ctrl+Alt+L : Lock Screen
Ctrl+Alt+Del : Log Out
Ctrl+Alt+Backspace : Kills X

Open Office Easter Eggs

As if Open Office wasn't amazing enough, they have packed their software full of Easter Eggs!

OpenOffice Calc
Putting =GAME() into any cell, results the text "say what?" in that cell.

Putting =GAME("Froggie") into any cell results in the cell displaying the text "Froggie". Putting =GAME("Froggie") into any other cell afterward displays the text "oh no, not again!"

If you place the formula =GAME(A2:C4;"TicTacToe") into cell A1, and press enter, a version of the Tic-Tac-Toe game is playable

Place =GAME("StarWars") into any cell within the spreadsheet, and press Enter. A version of Space Invaders is now playable. Once you have finished the game, and you wish to play it again, you will recive the message: "oh no, not again". You must fully close in order to play the game again.

Putting =TTT() into any cell and pressing Enter will result in random smiley appearing. :-] ;-] B-) 8-}

OpenOffice Writer
If you enter "StarWriterTeam" (without the quotes) into a blank document, and then press F3, the names and pictures of the StarWriter Development Team appears

If you enter "GoOOTeam" (without the quotes) into a blank document, and then press F3, the names and pictures of the GoOO Development Team appears

Downoad Youtube Videos

I have recently came across a very useful program for Ubuntu. Youtube-dl is a simple command line application that allows the user to download any video form Youtube.

sudo apt-get install youtube-dl


A fast and simple way of downloading your favorite Youtube videos.


Cubuntu is a fully featured, command line base Ubuntu. Cubuntu comes complete with Web Browsers, Email Clients, Media Players, RSS Readers & plenty of games to keep you entertained.

Included Packages in Cubuntu 0.4 :

Audio / Video

  • cplay
  • emacspeak
  • espeak
  • festival
  • mpg123 | mpg123
  • mplayer-nogui
  • sox
  • speex
  • vorbis-tools


  • caca-utils


  • elmo
  • gftp-text
  • irssi
  • links2
  • lynx
  • mutt
  • raggle
  • rTorrent
  • slrn
  • tinyric


  • emacs
  • gpm
  • screen
  • vim


  • bsdgames
  • dopewars
  • empire
  • nethack-console


  • python-id3
  • python-pyvorbis
  • ubuntu-minimal

So, how do you install cubuntu?
Its quite easy really.

1. Add the following line to /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb edgy main

2. Install cUbuntu using the following commands:
sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude -y dist-upgrade
sudo aptitude -y install cubuntu